A hexagram consists of six lines (爻). 爻yao2 depicts the intercrossing of the long and short lines as if Yang (masculinity) and Yin (femininity) interact reflecting changes and movements in the world. Through divination they appear one after another from the bottom to the top, and are specified as line 1, line 2, .….., and line 6. The positions of lines 1 and 2 are attributed to the earthly domain; the positions of lines 3 and 4 are the human domain, and the positions of lines 5 and 6 are the heavenly domain, similarly to the lines of a trigram defined by the principle of 參san3才cai4 (see How the hexagram is formed).
The event of a hexagram develops sequentially, step-by-step and phase-by-phase, as the way it forms. The line at each position represents the status of a specific space-time in the era or the world of a hexagram.The line moving to a position above it is called 'to go (forward)’ and is in a direction toward the future. The line moving to a position below it is called ‘to come (back)’ and is in a direction returning to the past. The past and future construct the timeline of a hexagram from the bottom to the top.A line possesses many characteristics which determine its status and function in a hexagram. They are summarized as follows.The line's essence and instinctThe line's essence is Yang (masculinity) and Yin (femininity). The instinct of the masculine line is brightness, largeness, rigidity, strength and firmness, etc, and the masculine tends to move. The instinct of the feminine line is darkness, smallness, softness, weakness and tenderness, etc, and the feminine tends to remain still.While divination is involved, the line is additionally cast as the young or the old masculine / feminine. The line of the old masculine will start changing to feminine, i.e. moving toward femininity and transforming along the way, so does the line of the old feminine.The line's virtue and abilityEvery line of a hexagram has its virtue and ability. The line's virtue depends on whether it stays at a position right for it, i.e. if it lives with righteousness and acts righteously, as well as whether it is at the middle position of the upper or the lower trigram, i.e. if it possesses the principle of moderation and acts moderately. The line's ability refers to its relation with other lines. The relationships among them are available in the forms of correlating (應ying4), neighbouring (比bi3), sustaining (承cheng2) or riding over (騎qi2), and occupying (據ju4).The right (or appropriate) positionYang (masculinity) and Yin (femininity) have different instincts. They must occupy a position suited to them; then they can bring their talents into full play. The odd number is designated for masculinity (as Yang is presented by a solid line), and the even number is for femininity (as the broken line has two line stokes). Therefore positions 1, 3 and 5 are the places for the masculine line, and positions 2, 4 and 6 are for the feminine line.From the perspective of the line's virtue, a line stays at the position right for it, signifying that it can act according to the norm of the hexagram where it inhabits, or what it performs conforms to the righteous course. Otherwise, it neither acts according to what should be nor complies with righteousness; it must make a correction or persist in righteousness.The middle position (or the axle centre)Yang (masculinity) and Yin (femininity) can be seen as two opposite ends of one subject, like two ends of a line. Though they represents two extremities, the middle position of a trigram possesses the principle of moderation and offers them an opportunity to act moderately, i.e. neither strongly nor yieldingly, or neither radically nor conservatively. The principle of moderation is the most important norm of the I Ching and it is also the central tenet of Confucian thought, called the Doctrine of the Mean (similar to the Golden Mean promoted by Aristotle).The middle positions of the lower and upper trigrams are also seen as two axle centres of a hexagram. Usually position 5 is taken for the primary one and position 2, the secondary one. When a line occupies the primary centre, this means that it is at the core of a hexagram and possesses the dominant power.The relationship between the linesThe lines can interact with one another through the following possible relationships:1. Correlation (also called the corresponding relationship)The corresponding positions of the upper and the lower trigram in a hexagram are taken for the correlative positions, for instance, positions 1 and 4 (the bottom positions of the lower and the upper trigram) where their lines correlate with each other if one is masculine and the other is feminine as shown below, or they have so-called the hostile correlation (i.e. no correlation) if they possesses the same gender. These also refer to lines 2 and 5, as well as lines 3 and 6.
Correlation means that there is an access available between these two related lines; they might influence and interact with each other, or conflict against each other. In most cases it is auspicious and helpful if a line has a correlate.2. NeighbouringTwo lines, staying next to each other, will have either intimate or repulsive relationship. If one is masculine and the other is feminine, they will be friendly to each other. Otherwise, they are in a state of mutual repulsion (like two magnets with the same polarity repelling each other). Usually a line will be stopped by an unfriendly line if it intends to approach or pass through it, while the friendly neighbour is a booster. In addition, two neighbouring lines in different genders can create following relationships.a. Sustaining
Line |
Characteristic |
The mode of conduct |
The 6th line (the top line) |
at the position easy to understand: as it is at the end of a hexagram, what has happened at each phase is known to it. |
at the top and end: the mission of the hexagram is going to be completed, and its norm is about to change. |
The 5th line |
at the position plenty of feats and merit: it is at the king's position, and all achievements are attributed to the king. |
in the primary axle centre: it is at the core of a hexagram and possesses the principle of moderation.Or, at the peak of a hexagram where the line reaches its full development. |
The 4th line |
at the position full of fear: it stays next to the king and acts as a courtier. |
at the position for resting: as it just arrives at the upper trigram after a hard march. |
The 3rd line |
at the position full of ill omens: it intends to march to the upper trigram but will be repelled by those above it. |
at the position for marching to the upper trigram: it teems with ambitions and is very active. |
The 2nd line |
at the position plenty of good reputation: it is the only line correlating with line 5, the king; therefore it acts like a domestic official always exerting himself in order that one day he can be lifted to a higher position in the Court. |
at the position for starting action: it is at the core of the lower trigram and possesses the principle of moderation. It is ready for the assigned mission, but what it can do is still limited. |
The 1st line |
at the position difficult to understand: as it just arrives at a hexagram, what will happen later is unknown at this moment. |
in the beginning phase: the hexagram just starts; it lacks knowledge of what to do and how; therefore it is less energetic. |
The master line
There are two different kinds of master lines; one is called the founding line and the other, the host line.
The founding line is the one, by which a hexagram is formed, and from which the hexagram name and its significance are derived. For example, the masculinity of line 3 in the lower trigram (i.e. the lower society) of hexagram 41 is diminished and used to enrich the upper trigram (i.e. the higher society); thus, it is signified as loss.
The host line is the one that dominates the whole hexagram to fulfil the assigned mission. It is usually line 5, the one at the primary axle centre and the king’s position. However this still depends on the real situation of a hexagram. For example, line 5 of hexagram 42 sincerely and trustworthily realizes the wishes of those below in accordance with its assignment, i.e. (those above) to enrich (those below), while line 2 of hexagram 41 is seen as the one that carries out the true significance of diminution, i.e. the one below need not deliberately diminish oneself for the sake of enriching the one above.
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